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♥ Welcome

Just wishing and hoping
And thinking and praying
And planning and dreaming
His kisses will start...

♥ The Girl

Name: Ryan (like the boy)
Birthdate: September 29
Ambition: To be published...and live abroad
Loves: My animals, baking, reading, writing

Follow ZafiriAthena on Twitter

♥ Desires

Move to Europe
Get my certification to teach English
Get published

♥ Tagboard

♥ Click

Moms Who Drink and Swear
the glamourai
Cupcakes and Cashmere
Anothony Bourdain
Japan it Up!
Nothing For Ungood

♥ Past

February 2011
March 2011
April 2011
May 2011
June 2011
July 2011

♥ Layout

Designer: Lady-Nadya
Images: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
Brushes: 1 | 2
Font: DaFont
Base Codes: kynzgerl

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Figured it out! ♥ 8:58 AM

Sweet. Figured out how to use tumblr. I'm pretty much abandoning blogger. Continue to follow me on both twitter and tumbler, here:

The End.

Tumblr Whaaaaaat? ♥ 8:24 AM

What the hell, y'all? Can someone please explain to me how tumblr works so I can get back to updating on a regular basis? I want to be like all the cool kids! Help!

The End.

Friday, July 1, 2011

My B, Yo. ♥ 9:25 AM

It's been a couple of weeks since I've posted, but there really hasn't been much going on. Work is still a pain, and I'm desperately trying to save some money for a trip to Florida in September, but that's pretty much it. I am on the last leg of my novel, wich is super exciting! This means I can start the second draft and start the first draft of novel two! Yay, me!

Have y'all been keeping up with So You Think You Can Dance? It's seriously the best part of my summer. My absolute favorite couple is Melanie and Marko, and here's why: Y'all need to look up their other dances as well. A-MAZING. I have a soft spot for Ryan and Ricky, since Ryan is another girl that shares my name, as well as Chris and Ashley. I may or may not have a slight crush on Chris. =0)

Anywho, that's all for now! Gotta get back to making my cupcakes!

The End.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Dancing Shoes ♥ 6:51 AM

Have any of you been keeping up with So You Think You Can Dance? It airs Wednesdays and Thursdays, both are nights I have to work so I usually end up watching the performances online. (By the way, Fox, adding the episode DAYS after the air date is NOT COOL!)
Anyway, I'm seriously impressed with all of the talent on season 8, and I especially love 18 year old Jordan and the girl from Georgia, Melanie. And I'm super stoked about the hip hip performers, as that genre tends to be my favorite. I'm rooting for ballroom dancer, Iveta, too. I have a feeling she's going to struggle with the other genres of dance, but I hope she does well.

I've been keeping up with The Voice, too. All of the members I've voted for have made it through so far (Xenia, Dia, Beverly, Frenchie) and I hope my final favorites will make it through to the next round (Taylor/Tori, Casey, Nakia and Devin). Who do y'all like?

Hey, guess what else? I'm almost finished with my first draft of the novel I'm working on! Celebrate! Then it's on to the next draft and first draft of my next project! Woohoo!

Side note: I'm feeling funky and this is why:

The End.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Entertainment Value ♥ 10:11 AM

Okay, so I probably should have thought of this at the beginning of the season, but I really wanted to do some feedback with season 12 of Dancing With the Stars. Tis my guilty pleasure. =0) And, okay, maybe So You Think You Can Dance, Glee, and The Voice (Blake Shelton is amaze-balls). American Idol is getting too much for me, and I seriously get aggrivated when all the good contestants get voted off early. >=0(

Anywho...crap, where was I going with this? Oh, yeah. Chelsea Kane should have won, but Hines Ward is a good substitute champion.

Bah. Foster The People's Torches is distracting me so this entire update is pretty pointless. I'm rambling. I guess if y'all like SYTYCD, I'd love for you to put your comments in my chatbox! =0)

The End.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Music Makes Me Lose Control... ♥ 10:18 AM

I am on a super music kick right now, so I'm going to spend this post linking y'all to some of my favorite new bands, as well as some new material from some old favorites. I may go off in a tangent, so try to keep up!

Yellow Red Sparks I heard this song randomly somewhere, but it was on Chelsea Kane's website,, that I put faces and a name with the song. (Plug: vote for her on DWTS! She's the best dancer!)

Foster the People Catchy boys from California. Duh. You can't help but to dance, despite the lyrical meaning.

Flogging Molly I've loved them forever. New album is coming out Tuesday! Buy it!

Dropkick Murphys These boys do great work. Great work.

Mumford and Sons Lyrical gangstas, these boys are.

The Decemberists There's just something about them I just love.

Laroux Best song to come around in a while. Love her.

Vampire Weekend =D

Adele If you don't like Adele, you spit on kittens.

Danger Mouse Everything Jack White touches turns to gold. I'm excited for this album to come out. <3

Crap, this could take forever. I'll update as I find others to my normal posts.

The End.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Creative Control ♥ 7:26 AM

I write. A lot. There's a story in particular that I've been re-working since high school that I have finally got a handle on. I should have the first draft written within the next few months, which is super exhilarating because if everything goes according to plan, the second draft should be completed by the end of the year, early next.

I'm thinking about self-publishing since I don't know the first thing about acquiring an agent to represent me and my writing, and I feel like sending the manuscript just anywhere would be a waste of time. And while it's circulating the web, I'll be busy penning my next novel. I have several started, so I have plenty of material to work with.

If any of you know anything at all about publishing, let me know! Any help at all would be greatly appreciated!

The restaurant I work at is starting to get busier, and on days I'm by myself I write to make the time go by faster. Pretty soon, I'll like, have to be diligent at home. ;0) Ah, well. They are paying me to work after all.

I'm also writing fanfiction in my spareish time. Don't laugh, it's a great writing tool! And, no, I am not going to tell you what it is I write, you'll just have to find me.

The End.